Fact While it is true that students with dyscalculia may experience difficulties with some visual-spatial skills, they also may have strengths in their verbal skills.
Students with dyscalculia should receive course waivers for math courses.
Myth Many students will take mathematics courses, as they are prerequisites for other higher-level courses in other subject areas. With some minor accommodations (extra time, use of a basic calculator) students with dyscalculia can be successful in math courses and do not automatically require a course waiver. Finding a course challenging does not lead to a course waiver. Course waivers and substitutions should be based on individual cases.
The use of a basic calculator gives students with dyscalculia an unfair advantage.
Myth A basic calculator is one that has four functions (addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication). When solving math equations, this type of calculator ensures that the student does not make mistakes with simple functions. It rarely maps out the steps or reasoning skills the student must know and understand to gain the correct answer.
Students with dyscalculia find mathematics challenging.
Myth Students with dyscalculia may have a variety of difficulties including mental math and remembering number facts, but may be able to remember the steps and sequencing necessary to complete more complex mathematical equations.