ADHD is not a synonym for defiant behaviour or laziness.
Fact Although people diagnosed with ADHD may exhibit what is perceived as laziness or defiant behaviour, these are more likely symptoms associated with the impairment caused by ADHD rather than maladjustment.
Only children can have ADHD.
Myth ADHD exists in both children and adults. Although ADHD is often portrayed as something that only occurs in children, as many as 60% of children diagnosed at a young age continue to exhibit ADHD symptoms into and throughout adulthood.1
You have to be hyperactive to have ADHD.
Myth Not all individuals with ADHD are hyperactive. In fact, ADHD can present in individuals in different ways. Individuals who present as predominantly inattentive may not exhibit outward signs of hyperactivity or restlessness.
People with ADHD can learn to overcome the challenges associated with this disorder.
Fact People with ADHD can learn coping strategies to help them overcome the obstacles posed by ADHD.